
Mariana Martinez Balvanera y Elizabeth Guerrero Medina

Cascoland is an international Amsterdam-based network of artists, architects, designers and performers sharing a fascination for interdisciplinary interventions in public space aiming at the development of an ecological and socially sustainable society. Projects are initiated by FIONA DE BELL and ROEL SCHOENMAKERS and are executed with multi-disciplinary teams of artists and designers, promoting mobilization, participation …

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Richard Lowenberg

Richard Lowenberg is an artist, planner/designer and eco-cultural activist, creatively integrating understandings and grounded involvements in non-profit organizational development, architecture, environmental/ecosystems design, rural community and networked society planning, arts/sciences collaborations, new-media, performance and eco-arts practices. He has dedicated his creative life to investigations and creative realization of works exploring and setting examples for ‘an ecology …

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Roel Schoenmakers

Cascoland is an international Amsterdam-based network of artists, architects, designers and performers sharing a fascination for interdisciplinary interventions in public space aiming at the development of an ecological and socially sustainable society. Idioma original: InglésFecha de Publicación: 06/11/2018 Links de referencia:http://cascoland.com/#/

Hector Fabio Torres

Guitarrista clásico y compositor, docente e investigador del Departamento de Música de la Universidad de Caldas en Manizales, Colombia. Doctorado en Diseño + Creación, con una Maestría en Diseño y Creación Interactiva, Héctor Fabio Torres es además Licenciado en Música por la Universidad de Caldas. Ha sido gerente del Centro Cultural Universitario Rogelio Salmona, y …

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Mariano Ramis

Graduado de la carrera de Diseño de Imagen y Sonido FADU/UBA, preparando actualmente su tesis en la Maestría en Diseño Interactivo. Investigador del Instituto de Arte Americano FADU/UBA, en el proyecto «Apuntes sobre los orígenes y el desarrollo de las narrativas audiovisuales no lineales y de la cultura de códigos abiertos». Coordinador de Proyecto Idis. …

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Ralph Heinsohn

Ralph Heinsohn is designer, producer and curator of immersive media. He works as Creative Director for the »Science Dome«, a new digital dome theatre at Experimenta Heilbronn (under construction and opening spring 2019) and currently develops the artistic concept of the new 21-diameter dome. Besides, he initiated and curates the 360° cinema at the Nordic …

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Micky Remann

Micky Remann is a German born media artist and producer of media events. He is Professor for Immersive Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, where he has been teaching the art of full dome since 2007. In the same year, Micky Remann initiated the FullDome Festival at the Zeiss-Planetarium Jena, which he continues to direct until …

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Sven Meyer

Musician, DJ and never-tiring tinkerer Sven Meyer will present the latest findings he gained at his Hamburg-based laboratory. In his role as the Mad Professor he invites the audience to take part in an experiment. The set-up is rather simple: A camera takes pictures of a bottle lid that is filled with a sprinkle of …

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Mario Valencia

Mario Valencia. Doctor en Diseño, Magister en Diseño y creación interactiva universidad de Caldas, Ingeniero de sistemas de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales y especialista en docencia universitaria en la Universidad de Caldas. Trabajó como ingeniero de soporte e investigador en el laboratorio de música electroacústica Jackeline Nova, como docente ha dictado cátedras de ingeniería, …

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