Ralph Heinsohn is designer, producer and curator of immersive media. He works as Creative Director for the »Science Dome«, a new digital dome theatre at Experimenta Heilbronn (under construction and opening spring 2019) and currently develops the artistic concept of the new 21-diameter dome. Besides, he initiated and curates the 360° cinema at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck in Northern Germany.
His productions introduced immersive media on several festivals such as the Melbourne International Film Festival, the b3 biennale in Frankfurt (Germany) and various national and international fulldome events. Besides he works as immersive media consultant and lecturer for immersive media at several German universities such as the University of Applied Arts Potsdam, the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel (Germany) and the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences and Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. As one of the first producers in Germany, he has been producing Fulldome Shows for 15 years with several International design awards. His main focus is the dvelopment of innovative design approaches and aesthetic patterns for storytelling with immersive media.
The following interview was produced and recorded by Ricardo Dal Farra during may of 2018.
Idioma original: Inglés
Fecha de Publicación: 27/06/2018
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