Rodrigo Cicchelli is a Brazilian composer based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Professor of Music at Escola de Música of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) where he has been teaching since 1998, focusing on subjects related to Music Composition and New Technologies. He has also been producing and presenting a Radio Program at MEC FM in Brazil since 2010, dedicated to the diffusion of Electroacoustic Music.
He holds a Bachelor’s in Music Composition and a Bachelor’s in Flute from the Instituto Villa-Lobos of Unirio, and a PhD in Music Composition from the University of East Anglia (UEA/Great Britain). He also has a specialization in Music Composition and New Technologies from the Parisian Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique-Musique (IRCAM/France). He is the recipient of a number of National and International awards for both his creative and research work, including Unesco’s International Rostrum of Electroacoustic Music, the Luigi Russolo International Competition, prizes and fellowships from CAPES (Brazilian Government), from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs / CROUS de Paris, from the Rio Arte Foundation, from Funarte (Bienais de Música Brasileira Contemporânea) and the Petrobras Cultural program, among others. As a researcher of Electroacoustic Music, he has published papers in distinguished National and International peer-reviewed journals, such as Musica Hodie (PPGM/UFG/Brazil) and Organised Sound (Cambridge University Press / UK), and chapters for books such as The Routledge Research Companion to Electronic Music – Reaching out with Technology (Routledge/UK) and Leituras de Jocy (SESI-SP/Brazil), a collection of studies on the music of Jocy de Oliveira, a publication in which he also acts as organizer.
Idioma original: Portugués
Fecha de Publicación: 16/08/2018
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