
Richard Lowenberg

Richard Lowenberg is an artist, planner/designer and eco-cultural activist, creatively integrating understandings and grounded involvements in non-profit organizational development, architecture, environmental/ecosystems design, rural community and networked society planning, arts/sciences collaborations, new-media, performance and eco-arts practices. He has dedicated his creative life to investigations and creative realization of works exploring and setting examples for ‘an ecology …

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Roel Schoenmakers

Cascoland is an international Amsterdam-based network of artists, architects, designers and performers sharing a fascination for interdisciplinary interventions in public space aiming at the development of an ecological and socially sustainable society. Idioma original: InglésFecha de Publicación: 06/11/2018 Links de referencia:http://cascoland.com/#/

Hector Fabio Torres

Guitarrista clásico y compositor, docente e investigador del Departamento de Música de la Universidad de Caldas en Manizales, Colombia. Doctorado en Diseño + Creación, con una Maestría en Diseño y Creación Interactiva, Héctor Fabio Torres es además Licenciado en Música por la Universidad de Caldas. Ha sido gerente del Centro Cultural Universitario Rogelio Salmona, y …

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Mariano Ramis

Graduado de la carrera de Diseño de Imagen y Sonido FADU/UBA, preparando actualmente su tesis en la Maestría en Diseño Interactivo. Investigador del Instituto de Arte Americano FADU/UBA, en el proyecto «Apuntes sobre los orígenes y el desarrollo de las narrativas audiovisuales no lineales y de la cultura de códigos abiertos». Coordinador de Proyecto Idis. …

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Ralph Heinsohn

Ralph Heinsohn is designer, producer and curator of immersive media. He works as Creative Director for the »Science Dome«, a new digital dome theatre at Experimenta Heilbronn (under construction and opening spring 2019) and currently develops the artistic concept of the new 21-diameter dome. Besides, he initiated and curates the 360° cinema at the Nordic …

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Micky Remann

Micky Remann is a German born media artist and producer of media events. He is Professor for Immersive Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, where he has been teaching the art of full dome since 2007. In the same year, Micky Remann initiated the FullDome Festival at the Zeiss-Planetarium Jena, which he continues to direct until …

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Sven Meyer

Musician, DJ and never-tiring tinkerer Sven Meyer will present the latest findings he gained at his Hamburg-based laboratory. In his role as the Mad Professor he invites the audience to take part in an experiment. The set-up is rather simple: A camera takes pictures of a bottle lid that is filled with a sprinkle of …

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Mario Valencia

Mario Valencia. Doctor en Diseño, Magister en Diseño y creación interactiva universidad de Caldas, Ingeniero de sistemas de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales y especialista en docencia universitaria en la Universidad de Caldas. Trabajó como ingeniero de soporte e investigador en el laboratorio de música electroacústica Jackeline Nova, como docente ha dictado cátedras de ingeniería, …

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Roger Malina

Roger F. Malina is an astronomer and editor. He is a Distinguished Professor of Art and Technology at the University of Texas, Dallas where he is developing Art-Science R and D and Experimental publishing research. Former Director of the Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence. His specialty is in space instrumentation; he was the Principal Investigator …

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